energy cleansing with smudging

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“Smudging” is the common name given to powerful cleansing technique from the Native American tradition; however, the burning of herbs for emotional, psychic, and spiritual purification is a common practice among many religious, healing, and spiritual traditions.

It is a ceremonial way to cleanse a person, place or an object of negative energies or influences. It is also an effective method for energizing or blessing a person, place or object. And the apparent benefits are steeped in science—when burned, sage and other herbs release negative ions, which research has linked to a more positive mood. Smudging can be useful when you’re feeling depressed, angry, resentful, unwell or after you have had an argument with someone. It is common to smudge yourself, the space and all the guests or participants before a ritual or ceremony or celebration. You can smudge your home or work space as part of a general spiritual housecleaning, and you can cleanse crystals or other objects of any negative or lingering energy with a smudging ritual.

Other uses for smudging….

  • Helpful for selling your home

  • After a post-tragedy event such as Death or Divorce

  • Preparing your home for the arrival of a baby

  • Makes a great housewarming gift

What can I smudge?



Places & Spaces


Objects & Items

benefits of smudging

You will sleep better

Your space instantly feels lighter and brighter

Your thoughts feel focused

Your have more energy

You can remove energetic blocks to increase the flow off abundance

Change your energy or energy of your space today!

Soul transitioning

This is a very loving & gentle session provided to help one who has reached their transitioning phase. This service is applicable to humans and or pets. Jennifer Nicken’s is a mid-wife for souls passing onto their next journey and conducts ceremonies in-home or in-hospice to assist your loved ones through a peaceful transition. 


Jennifer’s Story

This is a technique I randomly stumbled upon. I had done energy work for years but this experience was definitely a game changer for me! The night my stepfather passed was when I first realized the soul needs help when transitioning. Around 3 am we received the call that my stepfather had passed. We rushed over to hospice and he had only been gone for 20 minutes or less. My mom and brother went to sign off on paperwork and I was left in the room alone with my stepdad.

I had put my hands on many people that had been passed for long periods of time. But never this soon. As I walked over and placed one hand on his heart and one on his stomach I was immediately shocked at the activity that was going on inside his body. I could feel energy shooting around all over the body trying to find a place to attach it self as the organs begin shutting down. When it could not attach the energy would shot off in a different direction. It is my belief when it can no longer find a viably organ or tissue in the body this is when the shift of the soul starts to happen.

This leads me to a question that I have always wondered. Is this a painful experience for the person, the body or the soul as it transitions? How can I help? 

At the point of realizing this with my hands on my stepdad. I began to help direct or guide the anxious energy into the chakra’s and then slowly guide it out of the body exiting through the crown chakra. (located at the top of the head. )

Last the soul would transition out of the body to be released back into the light. This felt to be the right thing to do. Most of us enter into the world crown first so it only seemed fitting for the soul to leave crown first! At this point I slowly felt all around my stepdads body. It was quit, cool and no vibration was to be found. There was an overwhelming since of peace and love that came over the space where I stood. Something magical just happened! I new that I needed to share this with as many souls as possible.

I want to be a “mid-wife” for souls passing on to their next journey!

when its time to say goodbye to a pet


“Having a ceremony or ritual at the end of a pet’s life is really great for kids,” said Jen. “It’s a way for them to have closure and send their pet off on its transition.”


One of the most difficult things a family does is say goodbye to a beloved pet. It’s a particularly hard experience for children, many of whom have never dealt with the loss of a loved one (animal or human). Jen Nickens offers a special service for families who are putting a pet down. She often works in conjunction with a local veterinarian who comes into the client’s home rather than taking the ill or aged pet to an office.

Jen typically starts by lighting a candle and gathering the family around it. “I have each family member tell their favorite story about the pet,” she said. “It’s really a great time to share those positive memories.” At this point, the veterinarian typically has started the process and will sedate the pet. For those who have never witnessed a pet being put down, the standard process is to give the pet a dissociative injection, which essentially sedates and calms the pet prior to the final injection.

“Once this occurs, I do a little energy work on the pet, and ask that the everyone send their energy to help the pet make the transition,” she said. “We tell the pet to go to toward the green light or even if they see someone they know waiting, like the children’s grandmother, to go toward that energy.” Pets, like humans, are able to sense love and compassion. Jen explains that she senses that pets welcome this security as they transition.

“Any creature that is transitioning wants to feel at peace and loved,” she said. “It doesn’t matter if you are an animal or a human being.” As the veterinarian completes the process, which typically happens quite quickly, Jen will often ask the family to sing a song for the pet. “As we transition, our senses are still in place to the end,” she said. “The sense of touch and of hearing is there, and this ritual helps families have that last communication with the pet.” Once the process is complete, Jen said that many families choose to keep the pet and to bury it in a special place. “I like to provide this service to our clients because it helps families make it through a very traumatic, difficult event,” she said. “It really does bring a sense of closure and allows for a healthy goodbye to a beloved pet.”